123. Order in Council 817-2019 dated 12 July 2019 respecting the declaration of a special planning zone to promote better management of flood zones, as amended by Order in Council 1260-2019 dated 18 December 2019 and by orders of the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing dated 2 August 2019, 23 August 2019, 25 September 2019, 23 December 2019 and 12 January 2021, and, including the land use planning and development rules it introduces, ceases to have effect on 1 March 2022.
However, the first paragraph does not relieve a municipality of its obligation to file with the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing any report on administration required pursuant to Order in Council 817-2019 dated 12 July 2019 for the period preceding 1 March 2022. The same applies with respect to any requirement to provide the information needed to produce a report on administration in accordance with the Order in Council.
1596-2021O.C. 1596-2021, s. 123.